3 Keys For Selling Your SaaS Business for Higher Than Market Value

In today’s issue, I’m going to focus on the three things that I would overpay to buy your SaaS business (as would most business acquirers). Focusing on these three traits in your company will help you sell your business for higher than average market value. By that, I mean you can demand a higher […]
6 Things to Stop Doing When You Want to Sell Your Software Business

Thinking of Selling? Even if you aren’t 100% sure, these are the six things I’d start (or, actually “stop”) doing if you are even remotely considering a sale in the next year. All of them make your business better even if you decide not to sell. Personal Expenses The 1st thing you need to stop doing is […]
Hours != Value: What Makes a Small Software Project Sellable?

One unfortunate mistake I see engineers, developers, and founders make when they are looking to sell a project is estimating the value of the project based on the time and money they’ve put into the project. The “I spent X time, so it’s worth Y price” fallacy Acquire.com and Flippa.com re full of […]